@echo off set tmp=c:\ set temp=c:\ copy gdisk.exe c:\ copy hdident.exe c:\ copy hdlist.txt c:\ c: echo Drives found: GDISK /status /ser > c:\current.txt type current.txt if "%config%"=="ab" goto Auto if "%config%"=="ac" goto Auto if "%config%"=="ad" goto Auto if "%config%"=="ba" goto Auto if "%config%"=="bc" goto Auto if "%config%"=="bd" goto Auto if "%config%"=="ca" goto Auto if "%config%"=="cb" goto Auto if "%config%"=="cd" goto Auto if "%config%"=="da" goto Auto if "%config%"=="db" goto Auto if "%config%"=="dc" goto Auto hdident current.txt hdlist.txt copy a:\ghost.exe c: pause goto %config% goto Ende :Auto hdident current.txt hdlist.txt %config% if not errorlevel 1 goto OK echo Error occurred, Abort !!! goto Ende :OK echo Everything OK copy a:\ghost.exe c: echo Last chance to abort backup now with CRTL-C !!! pause ghost -clone,mode=copy,src=1,dst=2 -sure echo Backup done ok, if there is no error message display above. goto Ende :MANU ghost :DELETE echo To delete a hard drive, please enter echo GDISK 1 /del /all echo or echo GDISK 2 /del /all echo ! :SHELL :Ende